Huawei unveiled its new flagship smartphones during the event; the Huawei P30 and the Huawei P30 Pro series. This event took place at April 1st 2019 at Burj Park, Dubai. It was attended by more than 700 people – from Huawei’s partners, its management and also techy influencers. The main objective of the event was to showcase Huawei’s newest flagship phones through a mesmerizing, immersive, and artistic set-up that attendees will never forget.
To ensure an experiential journey for all event attendees, Mosaic Live created a unique, compelling and ‘larger than life’ experience. Being situated at Burj Park, we represented the Jungle theme through artistic, paper cut illustrations that fully immerse the audience in a jungle environment, towering above them over 4 meters high. This kind of artistic representation did not only provide depth to the artwork around the event area, but it also looked sophisticated, and very classy – leaving a lasting impression in all the guests’ minds.
Since this was an invite-only event, guests needed to get their e-invitation scanned by our registration staff, who used barcode scanners to check-in the guests without them having to wait for long.
The whole event area had ambient sound like rain, thunder, birds, etc, which ensured the guests felt like they entered the jungle.
Our first wow-factor element greeted the guests right after the registration process, and it was a fully interactive LED tunnel, which had motion sensors mounted on the LED walls and ceiling. Custom created animations played as guests walked through the tunnel.
Post the tunnel, guests landed at a ‘jungle camp site’, complete with tents, a multi-level tree house, little creatures and more. The camp site served as an entire phone demo area for the guests.
The multi-level treehouse showcased the Huawei Pro Series’ main features. In the first level, guests got to experience the super night shot in the dark room we created. As they went to the second level, they got to experience the 50x superzoom of the phone camera as they zoomed into an artwork situated over 60 meters away!
The main stage area was a 270 degree, fully immersive experience that utilized a mix of LEDs and mesh branding that merged seamlessly with each other.
The audience were seated in chairs positioned in the Huawei logo as they watched the show.
The attendees witnessed the Burj Khalifa light up for the Super Camera Phone Huawei P30 series.
In its usual breathtaking style, Huawei took to the stage to unveil the new phones and pointed out just how much better they were than other flagship phones.
Mosaic Live ensured that the guests all left the event mesmerized, and Huawei’s objective of fully immersing the guests in an avant-garde jungle to reveal their latest flagship phone was met!